Monday, June 22, 2009


After a long afternoon at the ENT's office, the kids asked for a snack when we got home. Promising to fix them dinner right then (that was an hour ago and still no dinner) I told them that they couldn't have a snack. Big A asked if they could have a PEZ. They had done AWESOME at the ENT (more on that later) and they deserved it so they each picked from their bag of PEZ dispensers and I filled them up. I told them they could each have 3 pieces, which they did. Then they went outside to play and I sat down at the computer to read up on some medical terms.

A few minutes later Little A came in and informed me that she was going to help me make dinner (which she usually does). I said I'd be right there and off she ran to the kitchen to wait for me... Or so I thought.

Here's what was REALLY happening...

Notice Tinkerbell on TOP of the microwave...

I SWEAR my kids have monkey toes...

S... T.... R..... E...... T....... C.......... H.........!!!

SUCCESS!!! And the PEZ are ALL gone!

NOTE TO SELF: When there's a 2 1/2 year old in the kitchen and it's too quiet, something is not right...

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